Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Shadow Knows....May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month!

Ok, so this post really has nothing to do with The Shadow, but I did want to share that May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.  

Skin Cancer is not something that was on my mind too much in the past.  Then, several years ago, I lost an uncle to Melanoma.  And recently I've had my own experience with skin cancer.  I had a spot removed from my leg that turned out to be benign.  But last year I went through 4 surgeries to remove skin cancer from my face and then have reconstructive surgery to repair the holes in my skin that were left from removing the skin cancer.  This week I have another round of surgeries to remove skin cancer from my left ear.  I am not sharing this for pity - I'm sharing this because skin cancer is real, it should be taken seriously, and you should make checking your skin a regular part of your health care.  

Here are some facts to consider:

  • There are over 5 million new cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year in the US
  • 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by age 70
  • 2 people die of skin cancer every hour

For more information, you can check out these web sites:
Skin Cancer Foundation
American Cancer Society

Ok, so skin cancer does have something to do with The Shadow now that I've thought about it.  I avoid too much exposure to the sun by staying in the shadows!  I know this was a different type of post, but I am trying to play a small part in letting people know about skin cancer during this month of Skin Cancer Awareness.


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